Friday, October 11, 2013

"Follow This Mother" Feature

I am excited and honored to be this weeks "Follow This Mother" mother on Another Mother Runner.( I have read both Run Like a Mother and Train Like A Mother by Sarah and Dimity and listen to their podcasts regularly (and always try to convince them they should throw an AMR party in Detroit if they ever come this way). So basically I geeked out when I got the email Monday from Heather one of their writers. (Heather can also be found at When I started blogging I wanted to write (a creative outlet for me) and keep a little journal to look back on, I feared no one would read it but hoped maybe it would influence or inspire at least one person.  Here it is less then a year later and I have been given such an amazing opportunity to tell my story! Thank you so much Dimity, Sarah, Heather and all the Mother Runners who have shared stories and blogged before me that kept me going & inspired me when I was not sure I could juggle running and a family!

Do you have any questions for me that I did not answer on Another Mother Runner? 

*I highly recommend the books Train like a Mother and Run Like a Mother...they are both informative and humorous...


  1. Hi Jess. After our tweets about ultras I had to visit your blog. Congrats on the feature! I'm a long time fan of RLAM!

    I host a weekly link up, Fitness Friday and would love to have you join. This is the most recent link up if you'd like to check it out :)

    1. Thank you so much and I would love to be a part of Fitness Friday on day!

  2. Yeah! Another Michigan BAMR :)

  3. Congrats on being on Another Mother Runner. I listen to their podcasts all of the time too. Can't wait to follow you now as well. - Heidi
