Paczki 5K Run
Time: 27:20
- This is always a fun run. The paczki and beer at the finish, along with the later start make this a 5k I can handle. I had no time goal or hope for a PR since I had just logged a 20 miler 3 days before. Other then the late start and lack of port o johns again this year, I do not have any complaints about this run. I started with friends and ignored the garmin, just keeping pace with Emily and chatting. I kept up for the first 2 miles, then dropped back for the final mile. HOLY COW! I was not expecting a sub 9 min mile pace for this 5k but I will take it. Of course I will be running this one again next year.
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A decent race picture even! |
PoHo Hot Chocolate 8K
Time: 1:03:48 (Husband's first 8K)
- Other then this being the husband's first 8K there were not to many good things about this run. It was cold, snow covered, ice covered and at time down right miserable. Now with that said we did make the most of the run and had a good time despite slipping on ice in a puddle around mile 2. Considering the variations in the weather here in Michigan I may just wait till closer to register next year, even though the hoodie you receive is down right comfy. (The swag is always awesome at this race)
Before the start |
Off road running |
Detroit Free Press International 1/2 Marathon
Time: 2:10:36
Read the full recap here: DETROIT FREE PRESS INTERNATIONAL 1/2
Woodstock 50K
Time: 7:34:23
Read the full recap here: WOODSTOCK 50K
Legend 1/2 Trail Marathon
8/3/13Time 2:26
Read the full recap here: LEGEND TRAIL 1/2 RECAP
Bayshore 1/2 Marathon
5/25/2013Time: 2:00:04.6
Read the full recap here: BAYSHORE 1/2 RECAP
Rock CF 1/2 Marathon
3/24/2013Time: 2:04:08 (PR)
2/9/2013Time: 26:45
So remember when I said I do not sign up for races last minute yada yada...WELL this was literally a 5 days before the race sign up. With the husbands new position at work he is home on the weekend and I decided since I was solo with the kids all week while he was at meetings I deserved a 5K that included a paczki and a beer at the finish. Originally the plan was to meet up with a few other runners for a long run in the city before the race but with sick kids at home and waking up feeling less then stellar I decided that I was sleeping in and would just run the 5k all out and count it as speed work. The start line was easy to get to, there was sufficient parking and morning of packet pick up was smooth. The race itself was a nice little tour of Hamtramck and even with all of the snow we had the few days before the course was relatively clear (slushy for the majority and there was not any packed snow till the last half mile). Overall I was happy with the outcome and it ended up being a PR so I cannot complain. The race itself was fun, the beer at the end was delicious and well I can only assume the paczki was as well...I brought it home for the husband and the littles. I would run this again for sure and it would be a great first 5K for someone as well since it was on the smaller side.
I don't often drink beer before 11 am but when I do it's with GP Runners after a 5k and accompanied by a Paczki
PoHo Hot Cocoa 8K
1/ 12/2013Time: 42:54
I had heard great things about PoHo from last year and decided it would be my one winter race (I was still unsure about running in snow and ice so I knew I could run an 8K even if I had to take some training indoors on a treadmill) and knew that I was at least going to come away with an awesome Nike 1/2 Zip to wear all winter. The morning of the race it was pretty mild for a winter day in January, I arrived early and picked up my packet from Elite Feet Running Store and headed back to the car to wait for the rest of the group I was meeting. This was my first race I "ran" with the group I train with throughout the week and I was really excited so I may have arrived a bit to early (like only 5 other cars in the parking lot early). After hitting the port-o-potties (which if I was going to complain about anything it would be they did not have nearly enough port-o-potties at the start for the number of runners.)
My goal for this race was to leave it all out there and walk away knowing I ran with everything I have. I did exactly that! I started off WAY to fast so that didn't help me to much at the end when I started to crash but I kept going and managed an average pace of 8:37 which included a walk through the last water stop and also a small stop shortly after to get rid of the water I had just consumed...
The best part of the race was when I was about to finish and hearing fellow GP Runners cheer for me.
After we all headed to the tent to pick up some chocolate and goodies, warm up and take the group photo!
It was "warm" enough for a tank top and arm sleeves...
Amazing bunch of runners! MY FIRST RUN as a GP RUNNER!
Commitment Day 5K
This was a Fun Run/Family 5K and also my husband and my oldest's first 5K! This was a really neat race. It started and finished on Ford Field home of the Detroit Lions. The kids had a blast running around and playing on the field before the start. It was a nice sunny day but a little cold and very overwhelming for our oldest. However he toughed out the 3.1 miles with his "red cheeks" and "cold nose" and we crossed the finish line as a family. It was a nice little course out of Ford Field, past Comerica Park, to Joe Louis and back past Campus Martius Park and returned to the 50 yard line on Ford Field. We all received nice Commitment Day ringer style t-shirts, a drawstring backpack, free photos taken and could be downloaded later, and my favorite a hardcover training book/calendar that I have been using every day to log and plan workouts. We will definitely be doing this one again next year as a family!
Detroit Free Press Half Marathon
10/21/2012Time: 2:07:44
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Pre Detroit |
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Post Detroit another PR |
This was an AMAZING race! I traveled downtown with Rachel and we made it to the start with plenty of time for potty breaks and to get her to the church where she met up with the GP Runners Group she had been training with. It was a beautiful day and the race itself was well run. It was a wave start so even though my group did not start till 12 minutes after the official start it worked out nice and helped with the congestion throughout the race.
I felt great the whole time, in fact 3 of my first 5 miles were sub 9. Mile 6 I had clothing issues since my skirt is now too big and I had to keep hiking it up, but a little adjustment of the water belt and it was under control. I shut off my GPS after the tunnel because the time was all screwed up (there was absolutely no reception). It was really odd just running based on how I felt and when I figured out at mile 11 even if I ran that last 2.1 miles at a 10 min mile pace I would still come in under 2:10 it was pretty exciting. (I also hoped that my math skills were not failing me) I stopped about 200 yards from the finish and walked a few just to take in the crowd, the finish and to cry some happy tears…yes seriously cried! The last time I ran detroit was right after Simon and I remember even while running that day how I felt so lost….as a mom, a wife, and a person. This time was different, every day is different now (looking back postpartum depression was probably the culprit after all 3 boys). I was at peace with where I am in life, content with the life that I have even though it isn't what I expected or even planned.
Brooksie Way Half Marathon
09/30/12Time: 2:14:26
The Brooksie Way Half Marathon was not actually a race I was planning on doing. Thanks to a facebook contest by Renewal by Anderson I won a free race entry! All I had to do was sport one of their tech shirts. Sounded like a fair deal to me.
It was a chilly but beautiful race morning, however I knew once I started running and the sun came up I would be plenty warm in my skirt/arm sleeves and tech tee. Since the race was not originally on my schedule my only "goal" was to have fun, I had not really trained for hills so I wasn't expecting a great time and no matter what I needed a good race experience to boost my confidence after Indy. The race was on the smaller side and well run in my opinion. I started near the 2:10 pacer and figured I would just go with that and see what happened. A little after the start there was a bag piper, I looked down at my Garmin, mile .55. Of course it was, and whether the race directors did that intentionally or it was purely coincidence I do not know. I shed a tear for Fallen Officer Patrick O'Rourke of the West Bloomfield Police Department, and kept him, his family, his fellow officers in my thoughts for the next several miles. The race consisted of a small trail portion and a good number of hills on the back half. It wasn't until mile 9 or so I started to pay attention to the time/pace and by my calculations figured out I could finish in under 2:15. That was exciting since I had not planned a PR, nor did I think with all the hills I could honestly beat my time from fast and flat Bayshore. With everything I had left and a smile on my face I crossed the finish line with a time of 2:14:26! I found my Dad who of course knocked out an awesome time, and then found Rachel who PR'd with a 2:02! So proud of her and how far she has come as a runner! Thanks Renewal by Anderson for the race entry and the amazing memories created that day! (Which by the way was my 6th wedding anniversary as well!)
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Dad & I Pre-Brooksie |
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Rachel and I post Brooksie PR's all around! |
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Dad and I post Brooksie |
Indianapolis Women's Half Marathon
9/1/12Time: 2:46:38
The race itself was very nice and well organized. The expo while marketed as an over the top experience for women was a little disappointing as it was only a few vendors and not enough of the spa services for all the runners. But I was able to pick up a few new Sweaty Bands from Blue Mile running store and a pair of Yurbuds (only ear buds I have ever worn that don't fall out). The swag bag wasn't the greatest but the long sleeve tech shirt was eye catching. I stayed at the race hotel (Hyatt) and it was both a great deal and nice accommodations since the start was literally right outside. Race morning brought warm and humid and a Red Flag start (basically this SUCKS in running terms and you would be better off breathing through a towel)...The course was nice, clean and flat. They had water stops at almost every mile and I hear there was GU at 2 places but I wasn't really looking for it so I didn't notice. There were plenty of volunteers including ones at every mile with current gun time. The finish was at White River and the medal was actually very pretty (if you are into pink, purple and butterflies) The after race area had beer, mimosas, bloody mary, chocolate milk, a bit of food and water. There was also several medic tents providing ice and a massage tent. Overall (aside from crappy weather and a crappy personal run) it was a really a great run and if I were to travel for a race this would make the repeat list.
This however was the worst race I have ever run! I was plagued by hip pain leading up the race and was not sure if it was from my recent fall or the new running shoes. Either way I was in excruciating pain with every step and lining up did not feel right or ready. Mentally I was already before we even had started the race, fearing that a few miles in they were going to call the race. The first 2 miles were actually pretty good, but by mile 3 when I saw my friends Dan & Katie I a horrible case of the chills and even drank some of Katie's coffee! Things only seemed to get worse because by mile 6 every step was unbearable and I knew that a sub 2 was impossible and I was not even confident I would finish. I reverted to a run/walk approach to which helped a bit and seeing Dan & Katie again at mile 9 at least made me smile. At mile 11 I had an emotional breakdown...Training for 3 months to run one of the worst races ever finally took it's toll. I sobbed and felt so weak. I mustered up enough "strength" to finish the last 2.1 miles and headed straight for the medic tent to get some ice and pain relievers.
Perspective: The training miles were not worthless in those 3 months...I had lost over 20 lb, another 8.5" total inches, I'm setting a positive fitness example for my kids and when 100% healthy can now runner faster than I could even in High School.
As runners I think we accept that some runs will be bad runs, that things just do not seem to go right and for whatever reason our body just does not show up. We hope that this doesn't happen on race day though! The day when time seems to matter, the training journey is coming to an end, the day when we receive a medal and attached to the medal are the memories of the race. The Indianapolis Women's Half Marathon was a bad run for me, plain and simple. It does not mean I was a bad runner, a failure, weak or any other horrible negative things that were going through my head that day. It took a few days for me to put my running shoes back on and it took a few months until my confidence started to return (I doubted the mental strength I had the most after Indy). I can now look back at the whole experience and understand that this race was more about the journey before and after then the finish.
Ready for the morning |
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Pre Race with Cate...Her 1st 1/2 |
Almost to the finish |
Shewman Special & Dragons Milk...Best post race meal ever! |
Cipriano 5K
6/8/2012Time: 27:21
This was a last minute charity run sign up that benefited a local family who had suffered from a devastating tragedy. There is not to much to say about this race other then WOW! It was an inspiring event that brought out 2000+ people to support the family, and each other since the tragedy shook their whole community.
A small inspiring video clip on the race: click here
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Kim and I at the Cipriano Classic-Her 1st 5K! |
Bayshore Half Marathon
5/26/12Time: 2:17:21
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Bayshore 2011 - 26 Weeks Pregnant and LAST in my age group |
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Ready to redeem myself |
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Running Bayshore |
Just a few random running photos I found...
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During a run in Chicago while on Vacation June 2012 |
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My one and only Turkey Trot 2010 |
very nice year for you :)
ReplyDeleteThank you! I can't wait till next year!