Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Island Boost Review

I have always had really hard time with certain gels and they always lead to stomach cramping and heavy stomach feeling after I washed them down with the recommended water.   Back in June I saw Island Boost pop up on twitter feeds and in a few blogs.  Upon researching the company and product (see their FAQ page HERE) I found out two things that peeked my interest: 1) It was not necessary to take Island Boost with water and 2) It supposedly worked quickly so it would no longer be necessary to take it 15 minutes before I needed it.  I was placing an order with REI anyways so I added a few Island Boosts to my cart.
I have been using Island Boost since July as my primary source of fuel for my runs (I say primary because during my ultra training and 50K race I did need actual food like sandwiches, nuts, fruit etc) So here is what I think:

Taste: I can taste the coconut water in all 3 flavors but it is not so over powering that I feel like I am eating/drinking sunscreen. Overall all 3 of the original flavors are good, with Passion being my favorite, and all 3 taste fabulous frozen.

Consistency: This was the biggest surprise, because it really is not sticky or gel like at all, in fact it is a liquid.

Does it live up to it's claims?: YES! Island Boost essentially saved my butt at mile 14 of my 50k when I ran out of water and still had 2.6 miles to go until the next aid station and all I had left was some nut butter and 2 Island Boosts.  I never take it with water and I have never had stomach issues.  I rarely take it "early", and most of the time wait until I am starting to feel a bit fatigued between miles 6-8 (this past weekend I did not take it till almost mile 8.5 and never worried that it would not work fast enough to keep me going).


About a month ago I was contacted by Island Boost and asked if I would be willing to taste test the new Chocolate Flavor, in exchange for my honest review I was provided with 2 packets of Chocolate Island Boost to try and 2 packets of Passion as a thank you (um my favorite!).  While I was provided these free I was never required to give anything but an honest review/feedback.

I used my 1st packet of Island Boost before a 10 mile training run.  The run itself was a disaster, but not because of fuel but because of tired and sore legs that were struggling to get back into road running after the 50k.  I hoarded my 2nd packet in the freezer for last Sunday to use before the Detroit Free Press International Half Marathon, because I wanted to give it a good test run before writing a review.

Taste: YUM! I love chocolate however not a big chocolate gel/gu type runner because most of the time it's a bit to heavy or tastes to artificial.  Chocolate Island Boost tastes like chocolate pudding, but with a thinner consistency. (And if frozen would taste like a fudgesicle)

Did it work?: A big YES! I used the Chocolate Island Boost approximately 10 minutes before the start of the race and did not need my 1st Passion Island Boost till mile 8.5, and never ended up using my 2nd Passion Island Boost.  My not so scientific theory is that because the chocolate has a little thicker consistency then the original flavors I felt "full" longer (I'm sure it was a little physiological too).

Did I PR?: NO...BUT I would not say I was racing and had tons of energy left in the tank after.  I will be using Island Boost to train and definitely during my next goal race where I am going to break the 2 hour mark for a 1/2 marathon.

Would I recommend Island Boost to a friend?: YES and have. I will not recommend a product I do not use or a company I do not believe in just because.  I highly doubt I will every use another gel when I run, in fact I still have about 10 packets of my former gels sitting in my fuel basket that have been there for months, yet instead of using them I keep ordering more Island Boost.

Interested in Island Boost check out their website to learn more about them: www.islandboost.com
Want to order some Island Boost and help get Chocolate Island Boost on the market check out their Indiegogo Campaign: http://igg.me/at/IslandBoost

Want to try Island Boost? Leave me a comment and enter with rafflecopter as to what is one thing you like/dislike about your current fuel source and I will send one lucky winner 2 packets of Passion Island Boost from my stash. (Contest ends Oct 31st 2013, no purchase necessary, etc etc)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I have found that I can't use gels or gu because of the havoc they inflict on my GI system. I have been using Craisins this year to fuel my races. Can I tell you how utterly bored I am of Craisins? I am desperate to try something new.

    1. Never thought of craisins! I like Island Boost b/c it's very "thin" in consistency and works just as fast as dates and fruit but no chewing...

  2. I tried Gu's Salted Caramel on my last run and really liked the flavor. I'm actually looking forward to my next long run so I can have another!

    1. Lots of people really see to really like that flavor!

  3. I used GU for awhile and then I wanted to try something more natural so I switched to dried fruit. That didn't work too great so I moved to chews. I am fairly new to need fuel for longer runs so this kind is worth a try. - Christine

    1. Good luck! I'm not a huge fan of dried fruit...never seems to work "fast enough" for me....

  4. I use Honey Stinger Gels. They don't upset my stomach at all, but they all have strong honey flavor and sometimes it's nice to have something different.

    1. I like Honey Stinger...but after the first 1 or 2 the strong honey flavor is just to much. I did use their gels before I found Island Boost, now I only use their chews...
