Meet Hunter, our 6 week & 2 day old chocolate lab that came home to his forever family on Saturday. We are all over the moon in love with this little guy and so far he has fit in perfectly. While the first few weeks may take some patience and of course our normal routines and schedules will change but this little friend is so worth it!
Originally when we found Hunter our plan was to pick him up on the way home from our family trip next weekend. It was going to be a surprise for the little ones but little did we know our oldest learned to read and called us out when he read "Pick up Hunter" on our family calendar. Well there went the surprise, except the family we got Hunter from was headed downtown to a Tigers game this past Saturday and wanted to know if we wanted them to bring Hunter. Ok, operation surprise #2...This was going to be tricky because we needed someone to watch Hunter for the days we were out of town and had to come up with a way for the husband to sneak away from our oldest cake/ice cream birthday party. Saturday, the husband snuck away and the grandparents and great grandparents kept the boys occupied enough that the kids did not even know the husband was missing. As we were getting dinner out the oldest wanted to know where daddy was since he never misses a meal, I quickly replied "Oh daddy doesn't feel good, he will be downstairs when it's time for cake". I got the kids fed, since I knew when Hunter arrived there would be no eating for them because of the excitement. Perfect timing because just as they were finished with dinner the husband snuck around the corner with Hunter and surprised the boys. I think more then anything they were confused and a bit shocked. The oldest had been worried the husband was sick and now he was standing there with Hunter. The middle son wanted to know why daddy had the puppy in his room the whole time. The littlest son, well he was just excited for "dog dog". All 3 boys were very happy to have our newest family member home and they all have been so wonderful with him.

Originally when we found Hunter our plan was to pick him up on the way home from our family trip next weekend. It was going to be a surprise for the little ones but little did we know our oldest learned to read and called us out when he read "Pick up Hunter" on our family calendar. Well there went the surprise, except the family we got Hunter from was headed downtown to a Tigers game this past Saturday and wanted to know if we wanted them to bring Hunter. Ok, operation surprise #2...This was going to be tricky because we needed someone to watch Hunter for the days we were out of town and had to come up with a way for the husband to sneak away from our oldest cake/ice cream birthday party. Saturday, the husband snuck away and the grandparents and great grandparents kept the boys occupied enough that the kids did not even know the husband was missing. As we were getting dinner out the oldest wanted to know where daddy was since he never misses a meal, I quickly replied "Oh daddy doesn't feel good, he will be downstairs when it's time for cake". I got the kids fed, since I knew when Hunter arrived there would be no eating for them because of the excitement. Perfect timing because just as they were finished with dinner the husband snuck around the corner with Hunter and surprised the boys. I think more then anything they were confused and a bit shocked. The oldest had been worried the husband was sick and now he was standing there with Hunter. The middle son wanted to know why daddy had the puppy in his room the whole time. The littlest son, well he was just excited for "dog dog". All 3 boys were very happy to have our newest family member home and they all have been so wonderful with him.
via Instagram
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