Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Rock CF Race Week!!

I am so EXCITED! It is Rock CF race week, in fact it is less then a week away now, and I am over the moon excited.  Originally I had high hopes for this race, since it is fast and relatively flat, I was really hoping to shave off those last 4 seconds and break 2 hours.  I let go of that goal last week though, I have a goal of completing a 100 miler this year and this is my primary goal, so that meant letting go of the official sub 2 hour 1/2 marathon (I ran a sub 2 on a training run last year, but it was not "official").  It meant dialing back the mileage and laying of the speed work to allow my nagging shin pain to subside.  I am at "peace" with this decision, since the long term goal is more important then a temporary win.  I am looking forward to having fun along the course and leaving my Garmin 310XT at home once again, allowing me to run by feel, not by a number.

Why is this race so exciting?

  1. The funds it raises for Cystic Fibrosis!
  2. Smaller scale, beautiful course on Grosse Isle, great community support.
  3. NUUN is the official course drink!!! (WAHOO!! A race in Michigan that is serving Nuun!!)
  4. Cookies at the finish line.  Seriously these cookies are amazing and homemade.  The ladies on Grosse Isle work hard making these tasty treats.
  5. El Guapo food truck at the finish line.  Ok, do you see a trend? Food and drink always gets my attention.  El Guapo is one of my favorite food trucks that can normally be found at Eastern Market on Saturdays, so I am excited it will be out on a Sunday, and that might just add some pep in my step.
  6. Forecast: I know the forecast can change several times between now and race day, but fingers crossed it really is 50 degrees and sunny.  That would be the best way to kick off the spring racing season here.
Night Before Race Day Plan:

I do not have much of a plan for the night before, other then volunteering at packet pick up in the afternoon and then returning home to watch The Last Mile.  Not only is it an inspirational running movie but the race director and founder of Rock CF, Emily Schaller, is featured in it.  If you want to get pumped up the night before a race (or even race morning if you tend to get up super early) this movie will do it.   

Race day plan:
  • Outfit: Not sure at this time but I am hoping that it will be skirt and t-shirt weather, so my outfit will most likely include arm sleeves, Nuun visor and maybe some throw away gloves.
  • Nutrition: Since this is a half marathon I will be relying on Vitality Bits and a Picky Bar before the race and 3 Island Boosts and Nuun to fuel me throughout. (and because Nuun is the course drink I do not have to carry my handheld!)
  • Gear: I will be trying out a Race Number Belt from Fuel Belt.  I am looking for something to wear during Woodstock that can easily be worn and transferred when I change clothes. (I would like to avoid safety pins for my race number)  I may or may not have my iPod Shuffle with me.  I have been enjoying running without music but if I end up in funk music might help if I'm on the course alone.
  • Leave the Garmin at home and run by feel. (Good thing it's a certified course so it won't technically be over on mileage, just what I make it since I can't cut a tangent.)
Are you racing this weekend? Are you putting in the last of your long runs for an upcoming spring race?

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